
    Three Signs You Need New Trailer Tires

    Maintaining and getting the most life possible out of your trailer requires you to pay attention to all parts of the trailer. Hiring professional trailer services and replacing parts as they become worn is key to extending the lifespan of your trailer. For example, swapping out old trailer tires when they’re no longer in good condition will help your trailer remain stable and safe while in use. Here are three of the biggest signs that you need to replace your trailer’s tires.

    Three Signs You Need New Trailer Tires
    1. Uneven Wear: It’s natural and expected for tires on any vehicle to get worn down as time goes by. Tires should wear down at approximately the same rate, so if you have trailer tires that are significantly more worn down than others on the same trailer, you’ll need a replacement service. You may also want to have your trailer inspected, as there could be issues like misalignment present that may need to be addressed.
    1. Cracks: Visible damages to your trailer tires are sure signs that you need tire replacement, and cracks are among the most common damages. They are caused by many different sources, including those outside of your control, such as the weather.
    1. Wrong Size: The right tires for a large livestock trailer will be different than tires for a small cargo trailer. Size is an important factor to consider when finding the right tires for your trailer, and if your trailer tires are the wrong size, you’ll want to get them replaced with better tires sooner rather than later.

    For high-quality tires and other trailer parts, take a look at our inventory at Lewis Trailers.